Google Algorithm Update, Page Experience FAQs, Google News Failures & Less Of A Local Pack

This past weekend we had yet another unconfirmed update from Google Search, this is while we wait for the core update to be released. Google has updated its FAQs document around the core web vitals and page experience update including that it will likely be a light weight tiebreaker signal and that top stories don’t need to be the core web vitals metrics to be included. Google said the clips markup for key moments is going away and that it will handle those key moments automatically. Google said that e-commerce sites selling medical products do need to have a level of EAT because it is more critical over those sites, like other medical and health sites. The automatic inclusion of sites into Google News is a failure and keeps new publishers out in the dark. Microsoft Bing wants WordPress to build into its core the automatic submission of URLs to its and the search engines. Microsoft will also share more details in the upcoming months around its content submission API for Bing. Google’s knowledge panels can show competitors, which is scary. Google may be dropping the local pack from three listings to two listings. Google My Business has begun sending out suspension notifications via email. Google has a new label for reviews to highlight which reviews are new. Google Maps released a bunch of updates including new curbside pickup and delivery features. Microsoft Advertising has new ads for car dealerships and manufacturers. Microsoft Advertising also has automated the auto-applied ad suggestions, which means those suggestions can go live without explicit approval from you. Rand Fishkin updated his zero click study, so now it is Google to share something substantial please. Finally, Google had a fun easter egg for the Ever Given ship being freed from the Suez Canal. That was this past week in search at the Search Engine Roundtable.

SPONSOR: Sponsored by Loud Interactive, a Chicago-based SEO firm led by Brent D. Payne

0:00 – Introduction
1:11 – Google Search Ranking Algorithm Update This Weekend? :
2:18 – Google Updated The Core Web Vitals & Page Experience FAQs :
3:16 – Google: Core Web Vitals Does Not Need To Be Met For Top Stories Inclusion :
4:10 – Google Limits Key Moments Feature To Small Set Of Video Providers :
5:29 – Google Search More Critical Of E-Commerce Sites That Sell Medical Equipment :
6:53 – Google News Algorithmic Inclusion Is A Failure For Publishers :
8:48 – Fabrice Canel From Microsoft Bing Wants To Build Instant Indexing Into WordPress :
9:25 – Microsoft To Share More Details On Bing Content Submission API :
10:07 – Google Knowledge Panels Can Show Competitors As Alternatives :
10:29 – Google Search Dropping Three Pack For Two Pack (Local Results) :
11:07 – Google My Business Suspension Email Notifications :
11:46 – Google New Label For Local Business Reviews Now Live :
12:02 – Google Maps To Improve Curbside Pickup & Delivery Features :
13:06 – Microsoft Advertising Automotive Ads For Bing :
13:28 – Microsoft Advertising Automated & Auto-Applied Ad Suggestions :
14:03 – Rand Updates Metrics On Zero Click Study; Google, It’s Now Your Turn :
15:40 – Google Easter Egg: Ever Given At Suez Canal :
15:53 – Conclusion

Author: traffic

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