Dan Toplitt On The Evolving Role Of SEOs & SEO Hiring Trends : Vlog #113

In part one with Dan Toplitt we spoke about how enterprise SEOs look at the larger picture of things but in part two, which is what this video is about, we spoke about the role of SEOs and how that changes over time and then what trends he sees in hiring SEOs.

0:16 – Evolving Role Of SEOs in Enterprise Organizations

We spoke about the trends of the evolving role of SEO in large enterprise organizations. He said he noticed there is an increase in RFPs, request for proposals, specifically targeting SEO services. Generally in the past, SEO was lumped in with other marketing proposals but now he is seeing them split up. He said with COVID and media budget shifting and reprioritized, SEO requires significant amount of budget and resources. So it seems companies are really understanding the real benefit in SEO and even specialists in SEO. He does believe it will roll back in to the overall budget overtime but for now it is being pulled out. But it is nice to see the SEO team sit within all the teams and being more integrated into the overall marketing team. So he is able to see the attribution of all various channels to see how they impact each other.

5:55 – Trends in Hiring In SEO

Dan explained how hiring SEOs is changing as well and often they are looking for different types of specializes. They are looking into analytical folks and data scientists, as well as really deep technical SEOs. You need specialized folks for JavaScript SEO and other areas. So he says technical SEOs, analytical experts and data scientists are important. Then the broad range of other experts, including e-commerce, YouTube, podcasting and so many other channels. When it comes to link building, they look at it in more an algorithmic way and estimate risk of link portfolios.

You can learn more about Dan Toplitt on LinkedIn.

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Author: traffic

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