LinkedIn contact details and links to your website

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In this video tutorial I explain how to add your website url and other contact information to your LinkedIn profile. The links in your profile page are no-follow links so you won’t get much SEO benefits from having the links there, but you might get actual traffic to your website because the links in the contact information area of your LinkedIn profile are clickable. All other links in your profile show up as simple text so the links in the contact information area are very valuable if you want to drive traffic and leads from your LinkedIn profile.

There is a number of other benefits from filling out your contact information. That section, along with your profile photo, is the first thing people see when they come across your profile. It is very prominent on your profile page. You can strategically add contact information in a way to influence the behavior of whoever is browsing your profile. If you want to get a job, you can post links to your online portfolio. If you want to drive leads or sales, you can post links to your products pages.

Author: traffic

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