How To Create A Book Cover (Paperback Or Kindle) In 10 Min – Free Using Canva Book Cover Creation

This is the Kindle book on Amazon:

Free tools used in this vides:

In this video, I walk you through compete book cover creation process for the Kindle (Amazon KDP) or a paperback book. You don’t need any design background and I show you how to do this using free tools. The best part is that the end result book cover is consistent with your vision and how you as the author feel about your book.

First, I show you how to find the main image for your book. Then I show you how to use it on and create the book cover with the right dimensions for the book. After that I show you minor and basic editing skills you need, and shortly after that you are ready to publish your book cover.

In the end, your book cover is classy, elegant, consistent with the idea and essence of your book, and one that will become a strength rather than a costly weakness.

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