Google November Core Update Continued, Search Console Redesign, Crawling Bugs & Google Ads Credits

Happy Thanksgiving – we had a surprise from Google again, where the second wave of the Google November 2021 core update happened on Wednesday and Thursday – yes, the busiest time for online shopping. Prior, there was a poll that said 50% of SEOs did not notice changes from the core update. Google rolled out a new design for the Search Console interface, it is more blue. Google confirmed a bug around crawling last week that impacted crawling the AMP cache, Google said it was minimal. Google issued credits for those impacted by the Google Ads Shopping Ads CPC bug, it impacted those with Smart Bidding on. Google Search Console has a bug where it is missing two days of crawl stats data. Bing officially rolled out the Page insights feature, which has scroll to text. Google updated its documents for reviews saying a mix of positive and negative reviews are more trustworthy. Google Shopping can show $0 prices if there are monthly fees. Google’s automotive search results have sliders and scales. Google has a bug with the sort by date tool on the news tab. Google AdSense is killing off the matched content feature in March 2022. Google Ads mobile app has new performance insights, review search trends and now to create campaigns. I wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and upcoming Happy Chanukah! That was the search news this week at the Search Engine Roundtable.

SPONSOR: This week’s video recap is sponsored by Duda, the Professional Website Builder You Can Call Your Own.

0:00 – Introduction
1:08 – Google November 2021 Core Update Tremors On Thanksgiving :
2:51 – 50% Of SEOs Not Seeing Impact From Google November 2021 Core Update :
3:25 – Google Search Console New Design Interface Now Live :
3:39 – Googlebot Slow Crawling The Web From November 11 – November 17? :
4:10 – Google Confirmed Crawling Bug But Said There Were No Negative Effects :
5:15 – Google Issued Credits For Shopping Ads CPC Bug :
6:03 – Google Search Console Crawl Stats Data Bug Missing Two Days Of Data :
6:22 – Bing Finally Launches Page Insights Lightbulb Search Results Feature :
7:00 – Google: A Mix Of Positive & Negative Reviews More Trustworthy :
7:47 – Google Shopping Results Display $0 Prices With Monthly Fees :
8:08 – Google Search Automobile Search Add Sliders & More Search Tools :
8:28 – Google Sort By Date For News Is Buggy :
8:46 – Google AdSense Matched Content Being Shut Down On March 1, 2022 :
9:01 – Google Ads Mobile App Gains Performance Insights, Review Search Trends & Create Campaigns :
9:18 – History of Thanksgiving Google Doodle & Logo :
9:23 – Google Hanukkah Decorations Are Live For 2021 :
9:45 – Conclusion

Author: traffic

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