Hack the Cat! Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) with Alex Mackey | NDC Melbourne 2022

Technologist Alex Mackey talks about the issue of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and gives us a demo.
WARNING: some of these demos would be illegal if performed on-site!
But it’s ok because Alex has set up Hack the Cat so you can try it at home.

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Alex Mackey – @alexjmackey

Experienced technologist, author, and speaker with over 21 years of experience in various software development focussed roles.
Works as a Tech Lead for Willow where they focus on the development of digital twins and are currently focused on application security.
Alex co-founded DDD Melbourne, has written two .NET books for Apress, spoken at several large conferences including NDC Sydney & Oslo, TechEd/Ignite, Web Directions and Remix, and developed courses for online training provider Pluralsight and A Cloud Guru.


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