Why Virtual Events and Webcasts Are More Important Than Ever | Product Demo

Watch the full demo now: https://meet.westuc.com/intrado-live-demo?utm_source=DM_INXPO&utm_medium=Website&utm_campaign=CoronavirusVirtualEventsLiveDemo

In this environment, companies are cancelling or modifying their in-person events. It’s times like these when Virtual Events and Webcasts become absolutely crucial and allow businesses to continue to engage with their audiences.

Now, we’re giving you the chance to see our Virtual Events and Webcasting solutions firsthand in a special on-demand demo. We explained the differences between Virtual Events and Webcasting, showcased real client examples and their benefits.

We also discussed the innovative new features for our Virtual Events and Webcasting solutions, including mobile presenting, carbon footprint savings and multilingual audio and slide support.

Enjoy this teaser and watch the full product demo.


Author: traffic

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