User Journey Mapping with Bryden Oliver and Jayden Alchin

A customer journey map is a visual story about the process by which a customer interacts with a business and their experience in using a product or service.

Focusing on a specific journey enables you to see where customers are getting frustrated, and where to focus on creating better user experiences.

A customer journey map is the right tool if you know where you want to focus. To create a successful journey map, try not to assume or guess people’s real-life experiences prior to using the product of service.

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Jayden Alchin –

Jayden is an energetic web designer. Fascinated by the intersection of art and technology, he has a deep passion for his work. He loves learning how people make sense of the world, and believes understanding the human experience is a fundamental part of user experience design. Jayden channels this energy and drive into the creation of clean user-oriented experiences that are simple and effective.

As a web designer at SSW, he has experience designing and developing across web and mobile platforms on a variety of projects making full use of his skills in storyboarding, wireframing, rapid prototyping, user research, usability testing, visual design, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Jayden is a detail-oriented creative thinker who loves spending his time on digital art and creative writing between projects.


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