Menstrual Health Bharat Darshan: Voices from Assam, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Delhi

Menstrual Health Bharat Darshan – Episode 2: Assam, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Delhi

Hear menstrual health experiences, challenges and successful practices from the states of Assam, Nagaland, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh, and National Capital – Delhi.

Listen to menstruators from communities and frontline workers, get a first-hand overview of what menstruation and it’s management has meant to them.
Build a comparative understanding of issues across states; get insights into complexities of caste, gender, class and other identities that shape menstruation experiences. This is the second episode from Menstrual Health Webinar series bringing the unheard voices from four states of India and National Capital.

Author: traffic

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