How To Increase Amazon Kindle Book, Paperback or Physical Product Sales With Video

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In this video, I show you how to increase Kindle book sales or paperback book sales by adding a video to your Amazon listing page.

I also explain how to create the script for your book sales video to make sure that the video is effective, and gets people to buy your book.

You can create your video by using a webcam of your laptop or an iPhone. Just make sure you have good audio, and that you film in a quiet place, even if you don’t have a microphone. Make sure that your video also has good lighting.

If you are looking to boost the sales conversion of your Amazon listing, adding an effective sales video can be a great addition. In some cases, a good sales video can increase sales conversion rate by hundreds of percent. I would expect more modest results on Amazon because the videos are so far down below on Amazon pages, but nevertheless, a good video can really help you boost sales.

Good luck!

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