Hosting Function Apps with Azure Serverless with Lars Klint | NDC Melbourne 2022

Lars Klint joins us at NDC Melbourne to show us a really cool tip with Azure Serverless that might save you some money.

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Lars Klint – Senior Developer Evangelist – Pluralsight

Lars is a Senior Developer Evangelist with Pluralsight, author, trainer, Microsoft Azure MVP, community leader, aspiring YouTube host and part time classic car collector. He is heavily involved in the space of cloud computing services, especially Azure, and is a published author, solution architect and writer for numerous publications.

He has been a part of the software development community for the past 20 years and co-organises the DDD Melbourne community conference, organises developer events with Microsoft, and also runs a part time car restoration business. He has spoken at numerous technical events around the world and is an expert in Australian Outback Internet.


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