Google Webmaster Trends Analysts Q&A Interview

Special episode of Crawling Mondays with an interview with Google’s Google Webmaster Trends Analysts: John Mueller, Martin Splitt, Gary Illyes, Daniel Waisberg and Lizzi Harvey, covering the following topics:

00:28 – What do the Webmaster Trends Analyst team members do on a day to day basis?
03:53 – Which are important trends that you think SEOs are overlooking?
11:33 – Which are those trends that you think SEOs are focusing on too much and shouldn’t?
19:53 – What’s the most overlooked feature of the search console?
21:55 – What’s the most common question you get all the time from the community?
22:22 – What’s the question that nobody asks you and you wish people would ask?
25:00 – What’s the most common reason that you see when people ask you about lost rankings?
29:56 – What do they dislike but see happening in the SEO community?
32:27 – What do they want to focus on 2020?

A transcription of the interview is published at:

#GoogleQandA #SEO #GoogleWebmasters

Author: traffic

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