Google search ranking factor no one talks about: driving page views will help you rank in search

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Google search ranking factor no one talks about: driving page views from outside sources to help you rank in search.

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In this tutorial I tell you about a cool Google search ranking factor that no one seems to talk about, but is very effective and relatively easy to execute. If you think about it, other search engines like mobile app store, Amazon and others have as one of their biggest search ranking factors the mere metric of how many engagements happened on a given app, page or product. What does that mean for Google SEO? That means that very likely, one of the search ranking factors for Google SEO is the count of quality visits a given page might get. So try to drive traffic to your pages from other sources than Google, and over time, that page might just begin to rank well. Another additional benefit of doing this is that by driving people to your website, they might actually become customers, and re-share your content which would also work to help your SEO.

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Author: traffic

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