Google Product Reviews Update Done Before Christmas, Lots Of Ranking Tremors & SEO Work On Holidays

Happy holidays and merry Christmas to all of you, hope you are not watching this video on your break but if you are – you clearly love search! On Tuesday, December 21st, Google confirmed the December 2021 product reviews update is done rolling out, just days before Christmas as expected. We have been watching the tremors and fluctuations amongst the Google search results for the past few weeks, it has been unsettling. Google told us that we do not need to work on algorithmic and ranking SEO issues over the holidays – thanks Google. Google said not all websites need to be an authority to rank,. Google said it looks at languages on a per page basis, not site wide basis. Bing launched shopping integration with Shopify and a new ethical shopping hub in the UK. Microsoft Bing added a bunch of search features around travel search. A survey said that most SEOs spend less than 25% of their time on link building. A company hired an SEO who built links, and one of those links was a link they hacked on the client’s other site to gain – how awkward. Google image search is testing a section for “top categorized results” which is weird. Google Ads had a confirmed reporting bug with some conversions, specific to non-first/last-click attribution models. Google Ads has new icons that some PPCers are noticing. Google’s latest podcast was interesting, it was about some of the legal consequences around Google Search, crawling and indexing. An SEO woke up to a gift, $80,000 worth of new traffic. Google has posted its holiday decorations for Kwanzaa and Christmas. John Mueller posted his now annual memes of 2021 SEO report, which is always fun and I am wishing you all a safe, healthy and relaxing holiday!

0:00 – Introduction
0:30 – It’s A Wrap: December 2021 Google Product Reviews Update Done Rolling Out :
1:27 – Google Search Ranking Algorithm Tremors Continue & It’s Big :
2:13 – Google: No Need To Work On Algorithm & Ranking Issues Over Holidays :
4:25 – Google: Not All Websites Need To Be An Authority :
4:57 – Google: We Look At Language On A Per Page Basis, Not Site Wide Basis :
5:25 – Bing Shopping Buy Now Integration With Shopify & Ethical Shopping :
5:54 – Survey Says: Most SEOs Spend Less Than 25% Of Their Time With Link Building :
6:27 – SEO Hired To Gain Links Hacked The Client’s Related Site To Acquire Those Links :
7:38 – Google Image Search Section For “Top Categorized Results” – Confused? :
8:00 – Confirmed Google Ads Conversions Bug Impacting Non-First/Last Click Attribution Models :
8:20 – Google Ads Adds New Icons & Workspace Filter :
8:30 – Podcast: Google Search Product Legal Counsel, David Price :
9:05 – SEO Holiday Gift: Waking Up To $80,000 In New Revenue This Week :
9:28 – Google Kwanzaa Decorations With Special Pagination Bar Now Update For Holidays :
9:32 – Google Christmas Decorations With Special Pagination Bar Now Update For Holidays :
9:41 – The John Mueller Meme Report 2021 :
9:50 – Conclusion

Author: traffic

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