Google June 2021 Core Update Hits, Local Search Ranking Update, Google Predator Algorithms & More

It was a pretty busy week, but to start off, I posted my big monthly Google webmaster report – catch up there on the month. Google released the June 2021 core update on June 2nd, but most SEOs didn’t really feel it until Saturday June 5th or Sunday June 6th and they did indeed feel it. This core update may have impacted product review sites, but there was no specific product reviews update that was released. Google may have pushed out a local search ranking update on Tuesday, June 8th. Google said it has algorithms that target predatory and exploitative websites, that produce slanderous content – let’s call it the Google Predator algorithm. Google talked about how it treats multiple anchor text variations on the same page to the same URL. Google also said it will try to treat rel link attributes of nofollow, ugc and sponsored differently. Google also said it can understand and rank inclusive language properly. Google does not want you to rank its ranking factors, so stop it with RankBrain. Just another remind, stop spamming Googlers with link buying and selling requests, it will be used against you. Google said for unnatural link manual actions, disavowing is not enough. Google added back order availability to the product structured data markup. Google said you do need some unique content if you have templated content above the fold. Google posted more details on adult video content in its video best practices help document. Google Ads released version 8 of the Ads API. And a lot more news…

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0:00 – Introduction
0:57 – June 2021 Google Webmaster Report :
1:24 – Google June 2021 Core Update Impact Now Being Felt :
3:21 – There Was No Product Review Update; A Core Updates Can Impact Product Review Sites :
4:11 – Google Local Search Ranking Update On June 8th :
4:40 – Google Predator Algorithms Target Exploitative & Slanderous Sites :
6:14 – Google: Multiple Anchor Text Links To Same URL On Same Page, The First Or Longer Doesn’t Matter :
7:10 – Google: We Will Try To Treat Nofollow vs UGC vs Sponsored Link Attributes Differently :
7:48 – Can Google Understand & Rank Inclusive Language In Search :
8:42 – Google: Ranking Ranking Factors Is A Bad Idea :
9:25 – PSA: Google Will Use Your Link Spam Email Requests Against You :
9:58 – Google: Unnatural Link Manual Actions Still Require Manual Link Cleanup :
10:20 – Google Product Structured Data Supports Back Order Availability :
10:42 – Google: You Need Some Unique Content To Rank Templated Content Above The Fold :
11:15 – Google Video Best Practices Adds Details For SafeSearch & Adult Content :
11:49 – Google Ads API Version 8.0 Now Available :
11:55 – Google Partners Can Keep Their Status Through February 2022 :
12:04 – Google Tests Magnifying Glass Footer Overlay In Mobile Search :
12:20 – Google Search Tests Custom Designed Backgrounds Based On Query Again :
12:50 – Google 2021 Search Central Unconference On June 21st :
13:17 – 20% Call Google Search Console, Webmaster Tools – 6 Years After Rebranding :
13:35 – Almost Half Call It AdWords 3 Years After Google Rebranded Google AdWords To Google Ads :
13:46 – iContact Acquired Moz; Financial Details Not Disclosed But Promises Bright Future :
14:42 – Conclusion

Author: traffic

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