From Prototype in Production to Verifiably Stable Application with Luke Parker


Tech consultants are constantly building Proof of Concept (PoC) applications to show immediate value to clients, but what happens when the prototype goes too far, and gets deployed to production?

Tech debt quickly builds up, since the PoC will contain anti-patterns and poor design decisions, leading to severe future pain for developers as the code-base scales

Many developers would pause their feature focus and immediately go into refactor mode in a situation like this. SSW’s Luke Parker will show you how to improve technical debt without wreaking havoc on your team, while still delivering business value for your Product Owner.

Luke has battle-tested this approach working with a multi-team client organization with this exact scenario: a prototype gone too far! Luke will demonstrate how to measure tech debt, recognize anti-patterns, and slowly recover. You will learn how to tackle the seemingly impossible task of refactoring a prototype now in production into a Verifiably Stable Application (VSA).

See a cool demo, and learn how tools like xUnit (with Moq & FluentAssertions) turn a non-trivial code-base prototype into a VSA enterprise application with as little refactoring as possible.

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Luke Parker –

Luke is a Software Architect at SSW, specialising in .NET and Clean Architecture. He blogs at about difficult or exciting topics for the modern Microsoft developer. He is also an organiser for the local Brisbane Full Stack User Group

Luke is passionate about the future of web development with .NET through Blazor, and the upcoming unification of UI through MAU.


The General (1926 film) – Directors: Buster Keaton, Clyde Bruckman

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