Do you explain a problem by zooming in and out with Luke Cook

Explaining problems can be really hard. Often, when you are trying to talk with someone about it, they get lost and frustrated because they don’t fully understand the context.

That’s why it is crucial to start at a fully zoomed out level and slowly zoom in with your audience.

When trying to explain something think about it in the context of 3 levels of zoom:

Level 1 – Concept
Level 2 – Challenge
Level 3 – Core

Each level provides a little bit more context so that the listener can understand the next level down and eventually reach the core question.

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Luke Cook –

Luke has spent the last 15 years in the Fintech and Paytech industry, designing and building software solutions that are used by thousands of Australian businesses. He has worked closely with the ATO in many of their industry initiatives, including SuperStream and Single Touch Payroll. Luke enjoys solving complex business processes in ways that make things easy for everyday users.

Luke has worked with .NET Framework since 2.0, and continues to follow the .NET and .NET Core development community closely. Having attended various SSW training courses and User Groups since 2008, he decided to make the jump to SSW in 2022. His favourite tech stack is .NET WebAPIs coupled with SPA front-ends, specifically Angular and Blazor.

When he’s not working, Luke can be found around Sydney playing his guitar with friends, running TTRPG sessions and mentoring junior developers.


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