Developing Flexible Authorization Capabilities in ASP.NET Core with Jason Taylor

May .NET User Group: Developing Flexible Authorization Capabilities in ASP.NET Core

00:00 | Introduction
01:20 | Agenda
03:23 | Authorization in ASP.NET Core
07:22 | Authorization in Blazor WebAssembly
10:27 | Demo: Adding a new role
23:49 | Standard vs Flexible Approach
24:35 | Flexible Authorizations – Permissions
25:40 | Flexible Authorization – Roles
26:36 | Flexible Authorization – Engine
27:47 | Code Walkthrough
48:00 | Demo: Adding a new permission
53:16 | Summary
55:13 | Q & A

ASP.NET Core Identity supports the essentials for authentication and authorization across many application types such as web, API, and mobile. With Identity, authorization is a breeze! Developers can implement authorization checks using numerous methods including roles, claims, and policies. However, this approach is not without limitations.

For larger and more complex systems, you may quickly find yourself stuck in the depths of ‘Permissions Hell’. For example, updating authorization requirements will require code changes, along with the time taken to test and deploy these changes. Checking user or role permissions is also tricky, you’ll need to review the code or documentation – and hope the documentation is still up to date! As systems grow, authorization requirements will grow, and these limitations can slow new development and decrease maintainability.

In this talk, Jason Taylor will demonstrate an approach using permission-based authorization to overcome these limitations by building a flexible approach to managing roles and permissions from within your system. This will improve the maintainability and visibility of access control across your system. Putting the power into the hands of application users and administrators, rather than developers.

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Jason Taylor –

Jason Taylor is a passionate developer, architect, trainer and mentor with +20 years of professional experience. He has worked with .NET since 2001, and currently specializes in developing enterprise applications utilizing .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, Angular, Vue, and Azure. Jason is an expert on Clean Architecture with .NET Core, and has one of the most sought after GitHub repos containing an awesome template for using Clean Architecture. Jason loves a challenge and is skilled at progressing from a simple proposal into a well-defined, coded, and tested solution.


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