Deploying a static site in under 5 minutes with Klee Thomas and Piers Sinclair – NDC Melbourne 2022

Deploying websites use to be difficult and expensive, requiring whole teams dedicated to spinning up projects. Now projects can be launched with one button using CloudFlares’s network.

In this Demo, Klee Thomas shows Piers how anyone can deploy a Gatsby website for free in under 5 minutes.

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Piers Sinclair –
SSW Solution Architect

Piers is a Solution Architect with more than 7 years experiences in databases and software development. He is especially proficient in Scrum, .Net, Azure, SQL, DevOps and GitHub.

He has been involved in many industries including Retail, Logistics and Job Management. When it comes to developing software, Piers has a passion for efficient development processes, designing quality solutions and building robust software architecture. He is very interested in understanding the way systems work and coming up with innovative solutions to complex problems.

He speaks Chinese and has a keen interest in China. In particular, he is passionate about the successful management of Chinese IT teams and is one part of the bridge that connects SSW Australia and SSW China.

Klee Thomas –
Clean Code Crafter

Klee is a Software Developer working at Atlassian and organiser of the Newcastle Coders Group.
He is an Agile, Clean Code and Craftsmanship advocate who loves to talk about what we can do to build better quality, maintainable software.
Outside of software development fan of Martial Arts, Neftlix and spending time with his wife and cats.


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